Go-To Green Banana Smoothie

Whilst this may not be your typical green smoothie, that’s quite light, refreshing and earthy, Holly’s go-to green drink of goodness is thick, creamy and filled with banana sweetness. Being one of my favourite breakfast smoothies to make, I make sure it is filling and packed with energy to kick-start my day. It’s also incredibly easy to quickly whip-up in a blender, and doesn’t require any fancy, expensive powders either. Feel free to follow my recipe down below, or just use it as inspiration and find something that works best for you. 


Serves 1



All you need to do is blend all the ingredients until smooth and creamy. There is no set order in which you need to add the ingredients, however this is what I tend to do:

1.     Blend all the bananas with 250ml water.

2.     Add the spinach, frozen mango and pineapple, then blend again. 

3.     Add the flaxseed and almond milk, and give it all a final whirl. 

250ml water

50ml unsweetened almond milk

1 tbsp flaxseed

1 ripe banana

2 frozen bananas

1/2 cup mixture of frozen mango and pineapple

1 large handful of fresh spinach


Important Equipment 

Blender (Note: This fits perfectly into a 600ml Blend Active bottle)


The small dash of almond milk not only gives it that extra creaminess, but I find it also tends to stop separation!
— Tip from Holly


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Holly Gabrielle